Welcome to Kingdom Thinking Ministry, SSM
Our Mission: We are a Metaphysical & Scripture-Based Ministry whose purpose is to create faith-based kingdom-like communities to provide health, education, and social welfare to all mankind, and to further the advancement of Kingdom Living throughout the world.
About The Ministry:
"We believe that people don’t have financial, health, family, or ordinary life issues.
The REAL issue is that people have an Identity problem. (Lack of knowledge of self)".
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...." Hosea 4:6
We are committed to Evangelize, Edify, and Equip our members, through the knowledge of the Truth, to serve our community and reach people with the message of liberation while striving to be compassionate in our love, excellent in our service, righteous in our living, and spiritual in our fellowship and worship to ensuring your mind is renewed, and your spirit is revitalized and filled with the infinite wisdom of the Creator.
We appreciate the opportunity to minister a timely word that is like a beacon in the night and as direction and answers you’ve searched for.
About The Founder & Spiritual Leader
Commonly referred to as The "Prophetic Financier" by peers and congregations nationwide, he is now best known as Minister Al.
Minister Al is the Executive Director and International Chief Elder & Spiritual Leader of Kingdom Thinking Ministry SSM.
He began ministering in 2007 and was officially ordained on October 13th, 2013.
His mission is to aid men, women, and children in improving their quality of life by increasing their spirituality and God-consciousness resulting in self-awareness, self-reliance, self-worth, effectiveness, and productivity.
His methodology for achieving this goal is via Empirenomics lectures, workshops, seminars, study groups, conferences, literary works, the electronic media (radio, TV, and the Internet), audio and videotapes, and mastermind groups, he carries with him the quintessence of deliverance, healing, and restoration of the mind that is bestowed upon the lives of those he touches.
Over those years, he knew then that Creator had a much BIGGER plan for his life.
So he went through extensive and intensive training under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, for the express purpose of understanding the prophetic office and ministry.
This training has enabled him to move into the realm of financial prophetic ministry.
Minister Al is a Natural Law, Metaphysical and biblical-based minister currently based in New York. He is a Financier, Author, Mindset & Financial Intelligence Mentor, and a serial businessman.
The message he carries is often referred to as the NAKED TRUTH and RELEVANT. Minister Al brings a very strong biblical & natural law message to his listeners.
The message that he delivers is also clear, concise, and life-changing to those it touches.
Minster Al has the unique ability to motivate people to move beyond mediocrity and embrace excellence and completeness in their lives.
Through his unique gifts, Minister Al has the ability to see the potential in people and motivate them to cultivate the gifts and talents that often lie dormant within them.
He assisted many in obtaining the kingdom living God wants for his people
Through his speaking engagements, both nationally and internationally, Minister Al reveals phenomenal insight into the universal truths of God and Empirnomics.
People all over the world have been brought to the sacred truth that they don’t have financial, relationship, or life’s issues but in fact, they have an Identity Problem by lacking the knowledge of SELF in which the creator had given them from the beginning of time.